Re: Formula to auto assign based on request number series?
@JB MacPhee Yes, that would happen. It would keep assigning to the same person until they were finally the one with the most assigned to them. Probably not what you'd want to happen to a brand new pe…1 · -
Re: Conditional formatting on forms
@Matthijs Schoots If you were to use Dynamic View, then you could put in a way (formula) to show whether the date entered caused a conflict such as the one you described and then they could edit it a…1 · -
Re: What formula would I use? IF/MATCH
@haley brianne Add IFERROR at the beginning of your formula. It should look something like this: =IFERROR(INDEX({Range1}, MATCH(Column@row, {Range 2}), 0), "")1 · -
Re: Calendar view on the dashboard
@jacquedale On the sheet you want to put on the dashboard, go to the Publish settings on the right sidebar and turn it on for either 'Read Only - HTML', 'Read Only - Full', or 'Edit by Anyone'. Then …2 · -
Re: Extrat server address Email
@azerty64 Here's another version which deals with both .com and .org email addresses in case someone has a .org email address: =IFERROR(MID(email@row, FIND("@", email@row) + 1, FIND(".…1 ·